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Market Leading, Concrete Free, Foundation Systems

RapidStump, Advancing Australia’s Concrete Free Steel Footing Industry

RapidStump Engineering Principles

RapidStump engineering principles are based on piling technology using a combination of skin friction and bearing to achieve load abilities in various soil types.

Design capacity calculations are based on the working stress method, using refined geotechnical data, obtained throughout time for skin friction and bearing pressure.

RapidStump System

The unique RapidStump design creates a footing and stump all in one system. Once piles are secured to the sleeves, the opposing forces of the multidirectional piles provide a solid, stable, and economical foundation. The system is designed to increase its efficiency when resisting gravity, uplift, shear, and moment loads. Ultimately the soil structure absorbs the applied stress.

BMSA’s, RapidStump system is job-specific and is designed according to site soil conditions and structural design loads.

Prices start from $122.00 + GST

Want a fast, efficient and affordable footing solution?

RapidStump, The Compelling Alternative to Traditional Concrete Footings

Efficient and Economical

RapidStump Footings offer a compelling alternative to traditional concrete footings and bored piers and a more efficient and economical option in the micro-pile driven category of footings.

As a safer, quicker, more environmentally friendly choice, RapidStump is transforming the foundation industry. BMSA’s high-strength, hybrid “all-in-one” steel footing and stumps are meticulously crafted to enhance efficiency in resisting gravity, uplift, shear, and moment loads.

Tailored to the soil conditions of your site, the RapidStump alternative is versatile, meeting all compliance and regulatory standards for a wide array of projects. The distinctive shape and robust steel construction combine to form an exceptionally efficient footing and stump solution. Once the piles are driven and the RapidStump is secured, the opposing forces of the multidirectional piles create a solid, stable, and cost-effective footing.

The system is engineered to optimise performance in resisting gravity, uplift, shear, and moment loads, with the applied stress ultimately absorbed by the soil structure. BMSA’s footing system is customised for each job, taking into account site soil conditions and structural design loads.

RapidStump Footings defy classification as either shallow or deep footings, belonging instead to a ground breaking “hybrid” category of footings.

RapidStump Process

1. Soil Test

To obtain an engineered and certified footing solution, we would require a soil test to be carried out

2. Submit Plans

Submit your soil test and full structural plans so that the footing design can be carried out and a design certificate can be issued.

3. Survey Site

Site can now be surveyed and pegged out according to the building and footing plans.

4. Place Footings

Footings can be placed in the required positions and installation can commence.

5. Jack Hammer Piles

Rapid Pile’s can be driven into the ground with an appropriate jackhammer to the required depth as specified by the engineering designer.

6. Install Tops & Connectors

Once the RapidStump is in place the relevant tops and connectors can be installed.

7. Get Certification

Pile records and photographic evidence needs to be submitted to the engineers to obtain an install certification

8. You're all set...

RapidStump has instant load-bearing capability minimising any downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions.

All RapidStumps are made with C350 steel. The micropile guides are custom made to suit the micropile.

The average install time per RapidStump is approx. 15 mins.

Yes, BMSA have used local engineers and approved NATA facilities in our rigorous testing.

BMSA requires a full set of structural plans of your structure, a foundation soil test and the exact location. BMSA offers a fully engineered and certified footing solution.

Have a Question?

Get in Touch.

Contact us today and one of our specialist personnel will be very pleased to provide you with the best performance and solutions tailored to your specific project and service needs.

Give us a call on 1300 809 565 or get in touch online.